Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Today Colin Devenish came to speak to us. Colin is the Executive Manager of Operations at the V&A Waterfront.

Colin was initially with Old mutual properties and has been at the V&A for around 8 years.

He says the three biggest worries he has about the business are:

  • Water scarcity. No water can't flush the toilets, current water tariffs they pay 450 000 extra a month because of the new tariff and have to recover it from tenants. 
  • Electricity, load shedding only not at moment due to slower productivity. 
  • Terrorism, they know how to deal with robbers but cannot deal with people like suicide bombers. Has a huge impact on tourism. Had a bomb scare last week, dropped off a parcel and security saw them drop a parcel and they though ti was a bomb. Therefore they have a high level of alert. Had to get bomb squad in. 
  • Lastly long term issue is Skill and people. how do you build a business without the correct skills. There are many empty jobs and unfilled positions. People quite often leave. Another is Political risk but it comes and goes. 

What makes a great place? Waterfront has location mountain, sea and port, but Colin believes its all about the SOUL of the area. He believes that the authenticity of the place makes it unique. That is why he believes in making the space work together and consistently changing to keep it interesting. Therefore focusing on the 'feel' of the place.

Thats why he now believes that Security and cleaning relates more to comfort. He believes in making an environment where people feel comfortable enough to spend time. 'Increasing quality of life is about connecting with one another'. Colin tries to make 'connections with the locals'. Their vision is to be the best Waterfront in the world and by incorporating Mixed use must also include Multiple use. Ie adverts on buildings, gyms in parks, outdoor cinemas,

The following outlines many of the Waterfronts Districts, their unique attributes and how the are managed.

Marina Facilities

  • Dry dock synchro lift for ship repairs
  • Facilities for docking of various types of vessels
  • ISPS compliant can dock international vessels
  • Super and luxury yachts

The Waterfront operates 24/7, 365 days a year and so much of the maintenance is done at night. Therefore they pay a premium as its usually overtime work. He adds that the surrounding areas such as the Cape Grace, Robin Island and CTICC all have an effect on the operations of the Waterfront. Ie the stadium having an event causing huge traffic issues. Need to manage the different events.

Hotels at the Waterfront

  • Secure environment
  • Easy access
  • close to conference facilities
  • Guests need to feel safe walking around to and from dinner etc

Parking and traffic are also huge issues.

  • No of pay stations, no of entry and exits
  • bay monitoring
  • multiple tariffs of common tariffs?
  • No more letting of bays the tariffs are flexible.
  • securing the vehicles

Place Making
Doing small things or adding small attractions to try and slow people down. The power of 10. Making places destinations.

Eventa and promotion

  • Painting the clock tower during work cup
  • There are approximately 200 outdoor events that take place annually at the waterfront and 150 indoor.
  • Challenges:
    • Increased security, cleaning, parking
    • traffic management
    • external events, Stadiums


  • Getting people in and out
  • Granger Bay is most under-utilised path into waterfront. 
  • Try and redirect people to entrances less taken.
  • From a disabled person, they get a guy in a wheel chair to do a full assessment every 2 years or so.

Linkages between precincts.

  • Getting from precinct to precinct.
  • during world cup they made routes from town to the stadium.
  • Must be a pleasant experience walking around. 
  • Opening the bridges to get experience of shipping
  • bicycle routes
  • signage

Safety and Security

  • Armed response units for precinct
  • CCTV system
  • Central Control room
  • Tenant response system (basically a panic button)
  • Traffic control unit
  • Pro-active as well as re-active approach.
  • On-site paramedics
  • Disaster management Plan and Training

Wate management

  • central waste handling facility for wet waste and recycled material
  • Tariffs are charged based on how much they recycle.
  • Incentivise people to recycle and to use dry waste


  • Maintenance of buildings as well as infrastructure
  • specialist electrical, mechanical and civiel, structural teams versus 'general' facilities managers

Utilities Management

  • Focus on consumption and recovery
  • Direct metering and biking as far as possible
  • Services include: Electricity, Water, Sewage and waste/Refuse collection
  • Monthly and ad hoc billing.
  • Metering is very important. 


  • Use the sea wear to cool the air for air-conditioning. 

While explaining to the class the difference between mixed use and multiple use, he showed us the below video. Click and the link and enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uiaYwJkW4Q

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